Bots in pubg pc
Bots in pubg pc

  1. Bots in pubg pc Patch#
  2. Bots in pubg pc Ps4#
  3. Bots in pubg pc Pc#
  4. Bots in pubg pc download#

Bots in pubg pc Pc#

Worryingly, PUBG Corp has already said they plan to add bots to the PC version of the game, which still has hundreds of thousands of players on Steam every day.

Bots in pubg pc Ps4#

But for Xbox One and PS4 players? It’s just not necessary. And that makes perfect sense really, as Stadia’s player population is so low that bots would help reduce wait times for matches. Interestingly, the news of PUBG’s bot invasion was revealed just a few days before Google announced that the game was coming to Stadia, its struggling streaming platform. There are more players than ever now the game is on Stadia, and yet. They’re fine for PUBG Mobile and PUBG Lite, as they’ve been there from the beginning and those games are more arcade-focused, casual experiences anyway. And although the developers have released a typically ominous response to the outcry, the overall consensus is that bots simply have to go. The PUBG console subreddit is packed with people ringing the death knell for a game they truly loved. Thankfully, we’re not the only players who are outraged with PUBG Corp’s latest grand experiment.

Bots in pubg pc download#

Even then we couldn't be sure, and we were honestly apathetic towards winning.īy the end of the night, we were all left thoroughly disheartened, disillusioned and in a move that speaks volumes to just how much PUBG Corp have messed this whole thing up, proceeded to download Call of Duty: Warzone. They can’t throw projectiles, vault over objects, peek or lean and, if it wasn’t already clear by now, turn previously heart-skipping encounters into a laughable affair.Īfter playing multiple games with my usual squad (we’ve clocked well over 3,000 hours of combined playtime into the Xbox version alone since it released in 2017), we came second in every single game we played, as the only time we met any real-life opponents was in the final circle. They run around the map like the poorly-programmed AI they are, oblivious to their surroundings, and only serve as cannon fodder for anyone but the most inept players. Bear in mind that PUBG supports cross-play, where Xbox, PS4 and now even Stadia gamers can play together, and it just doesn’t make any sense.īut let’s move back to these bloody bots. It isn’t a 60/40 split either, but more like 90/10 in favour of PUBG Corp’s mindless drones. First of all, there are now more bots in each match then there are actual human players.

bots in pubg pc

So how bad are these bots, then? If the scale was shocking to abysmal, well, they’d be off the charts. Statistically, 99% of these players are bots. Making your way to the shrinking bluezone? So are other players. Want that loot? Grab it first or fight for it. From the moment you drop out of the plane and parachute down to the ground, you have to earn every second you’re alive. When you win a chicken dinner, you seriously have to earn it.

bots in pubg pc

When you kill another player in PUBG, you have to earn it. The whole compelling element of PUBG, or any competitive video game for that matter, is the feeling of progression and a sense of accomplishment. And I certainly can’t remember Call of Duty: Warzone being praised for making the game more accessible to those who totally suck. I don’t recall Dark Souls adding an easy mode in an attempt to appease gamers who didn’t have the chops to progress.

bots in pubg pc

Why would you ever dumb down a game which thrives on high-level competition, and sucks you in with the sheer ecstasy you feel after overcoming countless odds to win? All for a small minority of players, no less, who refuse to “get good”.

Bots in pubg pc Patch#

If you want to learn more about our new AI overlords, you can find the details in the patch notes.The logic behind this decision is utterly baffling. PUBG Corp acknowledged the bots have become a "controversial topic" in the community, but stood by its decision to include them in the PC version, reassuring players it "plans on making improvements to how bots currently work". There are a couple of reasons why players are upset at the prospect of bots: some feel they will make the start of matches boring, while others feel the inclusion of bots muddies the tense mood of a player-only battle royale. The idea with Ranked Mode is to provide a more competitive space for PUBG players, with additional rewards for those who climb the ranks, and leaderboards to keep tabs on who's at the top. It currently includes TPP and FPP squad modes, but the option to play in squads of one to three players is also available. One place where you're guaranteed not to find any bots, at least, is the new Ranked Mode - although this is due to be capped at 64 players.

Bots in pubg pc